Passionate dancer and ambitious to bring tango community closer together. Dancing is joy, creates happiness, especially with our lovely tango community. Come and join the Tanguera Milonga on 22.1. with home made empanadas and cakes😉 💃🏽
Passionate dancer and ambitious to bring tango community closer together. Dancing is joy, creates happiness, especially with our lovely tango community. Come and join the Tanguera Milonga on 22.1. with home made empanadas and cakes😉 💃🏽
Gran Milonga mit Vittoria Franchina und Edwin Olarte
Das erwartet Dich:
Ab 15:00
Eintritt mit 1 Gl. Sekt o. Wein gratis - Tangokleider von Costume Couture (Tangokleider nach Mass)
mit Fotoshooting Ladies
Workshops (30.00 CHF PP und WS, beide 55.00 CHF)
15.45 - 16.45 Tango Ganchos und Boleos
17.00 - 18.00 Tango out of axis: Apile und Colgadas
*Liebe Follower, bei Anmeldung allein, bitte um Info - ich frage gern Leader an. :-)
Anmeldung via email: SCHROEBI33@GMAIL.COM