Concert and Milonga with "VALE 4"

Gespeichert von chante clair am Fr, 10/19/2018 - 17:28
Event start

We happily invite you for a milonga acompanied by the group VALE 4! an Instrumental Tango Trio with dedicated especially to play danceable music at milongas.
Two musicians of Argentine origin based in Europe, and another form Spain, have a long history on the best stages of the continent..

Damián D`Alessandro - Bandoneon
Miguel Rodrigañez - DoubleBass
Fer Herrera - Piano

course 20:00 - 21:00
milonga 21:00 - 00:30
concert starting around 21:45

course: 10.-/5.-*
concert/milonga: 15.-/10*

* seniors/students