Djane Caroline Sauche im Chante Clair

Gespeichert von chante clair am Fr, 11/30/2018 - 03:41
Event start

Wir freuen uns, Sie zu einem Tanzabend mit Caroline Souche einzuladen!

My story is a passion between wine and tango. From 2008 on I had two jobs in Paris, sommelière during day time, Tango teacher and dancer at night. The nightlife of the Parisian milongas has greatly influenced my musical taste. One day a friend asked me what was my philosophy when djing. Well I think it's the same as enjoying a great wine. Create peace, balance, sensitivity, vintage, character and voluptuousness, all in an immense party spirit!

Grundlagenkurs: 20:00 - 21:00

Milonga: 21:00 - 00:30

* Senioren/Studenten