Milonga mit Inna und Markus

Gespeichert von chante clair am Di, 01/07/2020 - 14:59
Event start

Wir freuen uns, Sie zu einer Milonga begleitet von dem Dj Paar Inna Barunina und Markus Grunder begrüssen zu dürfen!
Dieses Wochenende finden keine Kurse statt, wir beginnen direkt um 21:00 mit der Milonga.

We welcome You cordially to a Milonga with the DJ couple Inna and Markus!

Our Philosophy
Our core rule is to play music that people enjoy dancing to. If people are dancing and enjoying the milonga we achieved our goal.

Music Organization
Basically, we play Traditional Tango Music. We create the tandas of all the main tango orchestras.
We play a variety of different styles of music: fast and energetic, elegant and smooth, slow and dramatic.
Usually we play also chacarera in the middle of Milonga.

21:00 - 00:30

Basic course with Marc Vanzwoll

* Student/Senior